March 2?, 2004

Dimensional Threshold

Editor's Note: A while back I noticed that I could not reach things I had earlier been able to reach, and soon I discovered that all four of my limbs had actually shortened. Later I realized that it wasn't only my limbs. My entire body was compressing. I have been examined by specialists and they concluded that I am imploding.

A number of leading quantum physicists have become interested in my case and are studying it now, but the process itself is accelerating and I am fast headed for the vanishing point. Though it appears that I am getting smaller, in fact I am not actually getting smaller or compressing on a molecular level, as the physicists first surmised. In fact, as they later discovered, it is more accurate to describe the process as motion in a direction that is 90% from all three physical dimensions. I am hurtling into hyperspace.

In "real" terms, in the three dimensional box world, I am getting smaller and it is getting increasingly difficult to type. I recently took to stepping from key to key, but soon -- very soon -- it will be too far for me to jump between keys.

I will continue these pages as long as space will permit. However, I cannot say how long that will be. The scientists studying the case are not at this point in agreement on what kind of existence I will have once I cross the zero line, if any.

One physicist has hypothesized that from the point of view of my own experience, I will never reach absolute zero, that the relative distance to zero will increase at a higher and higher rate as my physical mass diminishes. One leading theoretician advanced the proposition that I will pass through the threshold of zero and then move back toward the three dimensional plane, but that I will be in fact reversed, like a mirror image. At this point I do not know. If there is any way possible to communicate from the other side, I will send messages. But at this point, nothing is certain.

After three years of head blasting, I am collapsing into the fourth dimension. Things are going very fast now. Please hold for further dispatches... -- By David Cogswell

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