June 24, 2004

The Man Who Did Nothing

Hi David,

Your analysis of Bush's third grade image makes me want to tell you what I've been thinking for years. I can't keep quiet about it or I'll drown in a reality that's just too weird and bizarre and a constant source of frustration.

Does he look even remotely upset in these pictures?

Bush's reaction, or lack thereof, doesn't pass the common sense test. This is what Bush's ludicrous image portrays to me. He certainly didn't look very presidential sitting in a chair holding a big elementary book, stock still, wide-eyed, chewing the inside of his cheek like a child DURING SEVERAL OF THE MOST CRUCIAL MINUTES IN OUR HISTORY! There was absolutely no emotion whatsoever on his face. None. At just about the same time Rudy Giuliani'S face, on the other hand, reflected exactly what he was feeling. And I found that in itself very reassuring, even though I don't like him, nor do I agree with his politics. Emotion is required at times like that. If someone doesn't show emotion during such a horrific and shattering moment then they are closer to being a sociopath than a "calm leader". Who needs a calm leader when a real leader is far more preferable? To hell with 'calm'! I'll take a screaming effective leader any day!

Later when Bush gave his two-minute announcement to tell us what we already knew he read it to us! He didn't have any spontaneity, and absolutely no reassuring words or indications that he was about to use his unique powers to demand answers immediately, even before he WENT STRAIGHT BACK TO THE WHITE HOUSE! We still saw no emotion. None. that should bother everyone. Look at the third photo. There is nothing in his face that reflects the horror that's been happening at the time. It bothered me, though at the time I was in shock and didn't consciously register it. But my subconscious sure did.

As a matter of fact, the only time I remember ever seeing emotion on Bush's face has been when he sneered, nostrils flaring, "Bring 'em on!". Affability, snickering, and yucking it up are not emotions. They don't portray anything except maybe arrogance, or stupidity, or both. But arrogance isn't an emotion. It's a self delusional symptom of believing oneself to be superior to everyone. Which is also a sign of stupidity in my book.

All I have to do is remember what my reaction was when I first heard the news. Just before 6:00 am California time I was listening to the radio when an announcer came on to say "The most bizarre thing just happened. An airliner crashed into one of the WTC towers!". My reaction certainly wasn't to just sit there! I rushed to turn CNN on and there it was, smoke pouring out of the shattered windows. Adding to the surreality of the scene was that there was the most beautifully clear blue sky and sunny day making the scene very sharp and detailed. When the second airplane hit I didn't have to sit there and wonder what had just happened. I instantly knew what had happened, and in that second of time everything changed. Things fell into place in my brain, the big question had been answered. It was an attack.

Giuliani projected far more calm and leadership by showing he was quite upset and agitated while he RUSHED TOWARDS the unimaginable devastation. I think that many more millions of people felt relief when he so obviously took command that day, and in a very human way he was also reflecting the shock and emotional turmoil that we all felt that day. That day Rudy was us, the American people. Was Bush reflective of any of us? Did he react the way the rest of us were reacting? No. And why not? How is it possible that he didn't?

During that entire time Bush who had already heard about the first plane didn't rush to CNN to see it. Not interested, maybe? OK, I'll bet that he was too busy doing a photo op for Karl Rove to show much interest, but when the second airliner hit how can anyone not be interested in something as spectacular and shocking as that? A second (!) airline plane crashing into one of the most instantly recognizable buildings in the world? How many times has that happened that it can become so humdrum that one doesn't rush to look? See what I mean about common sense asserting itself?

The fact that George W. Bush seems to be the only person on earth who just sat there for many minutes after hearing of the second plane crash, for all the world looking totally devoid of even the tiniest amount of curiosity, or shock, or grief is quite disturbing if you think about it in context, and using common sense.

Sorry I went on and on. It's just that all the media spin and the White House hype begs to be swatted down permanently. The mindsets and the arguments they keep using again and again are crazy and ludicrous and add up to plain white noise that drowns out facts, and truth and common sense. I feel that either I give in and ignore it just to preserve my sanity or I fight it as best I can. Common sense. Whatever happened to common sense?


Judith Foster

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