September 20

Message from an Expatriate

hi david, i was born in NYC (never been out of the country before) and moved to germany w/my boyfriend in sept 2001 (for many reasons; the biggest being fear of bush and Chris's inability to get another IT job after 11/2000).

please note that as a product of the NYC public school system as well as being half jewish, i did /not/ want to go to germany--what a shock i got, beginning on our first day there. i was totally amazed at how friendly the people are and the cultural climate, being so very open (apart from drinking being allowed on the streets, being able to take dogs/cats anywhere [so much for the FDA saying it's not healthy to have animals in restaurants &c], and other small things (that mean a lot to me like the Polizei condoning personal possession of cannabis). i felt like i'd been lied to all my life (which of course, fed into my anger at what i perceive as our gov't's hypocrisy and the mindset that dribbles down to the people). until we left, i taught Special Ed. and was termed a 'radical teacher.' i can imagine i'd be thrown out on my ass now if i dared talk about my very positive experiences in DE.

i've been back to visit my family/friends only once (dec 02) and was shocked at the mindset and changes that occurred in the space of 14 months. as well, i was intimidated at JFK airport, when leaving, of all things (pulled out of the boarding line and separated from chris who was forced onto the plane w/o me as i stood there, humiliated, watching 3 feds or whatever rooting through my bags as the line snaked around us, all eyeing me w/suspicion and what i saw as hatred).

bah...i'm going back in november to see my 87-year old mother (sharp as a tack, she is). i'm a bit frightened, as well as have huge fears about the upcoming election (i have grave doubts whether our absentee votes will be counted and that's only the beginning of what i hope is only paranoia).

sincerely, rimone

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