September 15, 2002

Who Started It?

Dear David,

Hello mate hows it all going? Looking forward to the War? What's your opinion on Bush/Blair attacking Iraq? Do you have an opinion?

I'm a little concerned because I live next door to the terrorist capital of the world, finsbury park. I went to a rally two weeks ago in Trafalgar Square, there were a load of Al Qaeda supporters speaking. Shouting over a microphone. Everyone was there, the 'British National Party, National Front, Anti Nazi League', even the Communist Party of Iran!' There was a huge police presence. Its all going to kick off! I can't help thinking that despite Bush's stance it is Islam that has declared war on the West and not the other way round.

So what's your opinion?

Toodle pip


Dear L.H.

My opinion of the Bush administration's wars? I despise them and their wars and everything else they do. It's all war for them. They are fighting everyone.


Dear David,

Good point. At least when Clinton was in the White House every one wanted to do business with him. China and North Korea came on side, Bush looks determined to keep them as enemies. Clinton espoused the positive things about the United States, he was able to use America's culture and money around the world. The Republicans think that America's power can only be represented by its military might.

So, would you not have supported defeating the Taliban in Afghanistan?

Iraq is going to cost a lot for the American public. Unfortunately over here in Europe Americans are being made to feel the way Jews were made to feel in the 1930's. I'm surprised that no one has started sticking yellow stars on you lot. All the good work (International Relations) that Clinton did has been pissed away by Bush.


Dear L.H.

The Taliban was supported by the U.S. to a ridiculous extent. The U.S. essentially foisted the Taliban on the country and when the Taliban became difficult over oil issues, the Bushies gave them the "carpet of bombs." The Taliban is more or less a neutral issue from the standpoint of the Bushes. If the Taliban played ball with them, they were fine and were beneficiaries of great wads of U.S. taxpayer money. But when they acted like they really had sovereignty over the oil, they were removed. Rights for women and all that is just used by the Bushies as PR. They don't care whether the next regime dismembers its people or what it does with them, as long as they get the oil. They care only to the extent that it not become a public relations problem. Obviously it didn't matter to them how the Taliban treated the women when they used to give them so much money.

Same with Saddam and many other thugs the US has built up and taken down over the years. Saddam is horrible. What can you say good about him? But they built him up, gave him weapons, supported his use of poison gases, as long as it suited them, in this case to use Saddam as a weapon against Iran. Osama bin Laden was their weapon against the Soviets. Now they have their reasons for getting rid of him, but they are going to get rid of a lot of innocent people before they get near Saddam, if they ever do. Remember "Osama: wanted dead or alive?"

They are totally phony and it is a mistake to ever believe a word they say.

Regarding Islam declaring war on the U.S. first, it goes way way back. Especially through financing Israel's war on the Palestinians, and many other things, the U.S. has been attacking them for a long, long time.


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