December 14, 2002

Bush Rape Suit Surfaces in the Press

The Fort Bend Star has reported on the case of a Margie Schoedinger who alleges "race-based harassment and individual sex crimes committed against her and her husband."

The suit was filed December 2, 2002, in the Fort Bend County system in County Civil Court with Schoedinger listed as her own legal representative.

See more at and Democratic Underground.

December 13, 2002

Bush Rape Case: Is It an Inoculation?

In a BuzzFlash News Analysis, it is suggested that the filing of a ludicrous lawsuit against Bush for rape could benefit Bush in the long run. "It's called 'inoculating an issue,'" says BuzzFlash. The example of Jim Hatfield is given. According to the theory of Soft Skull founder Sander Hicks, Karl Rove probably fed the information about Bush's cocaine bust to Jim Hatfield knowing about Hatfield's criminal record so he could then turn around and discredit the issue by discrediting Hatfield. If it was what in fact happened, it worked beautifully. After Hatfield was fed to the dogs, none of the nation's well-behaved media would go near the issue.

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