October 31, 2003

What Time Is It?

What day is it? Every day it seems like I read, "Iraq Hit by a String of Deadly Explosions", and my mind spins and I have to stop and figure out whether I am reading about a new one, or if this is one I have already read about. And every time I read it, it seems like the date is today.

Now it has gone from scifi to something wierder, free fantasy, Kafkaesque Phantasmagoria. Every morning is the same. It starts with a number -- date and time -- and from then on it proceeds precisely like the day before. It's always the same day when you wake up. It's Ground Hog Day.

The situation in Iraq is getting even more out of control and tragic than even its most rabid opponents -- of whom I am one -- imagined. The scale and intensity of the tragedy that has been unleashed by a bunch of lunatic power freaks is unfathomable. And we are going to be having to live with it and sort it out for a long time. The damage is already severe, and the ongoing catastrophe is both inextricable and rapidly deteriorating.

Thanks to a bunch of frauds. A criminal conspiracy. A junta who wanted to rule the world, and certainly still does, but is not doing a very impressive job of it. It appears that they had no more than a move or two on the chessboard figured out -- really figured out -- in their grand scheme before they launched into it.

They had their objective, and they had a general modus operandi, which was to bring all the tremendous power they had at their fingertips to bear to bully their way to victory in every situation, to be totally ruthless and without remorse. Nothing very complicated when you have the most powerful military machine in the world at your disposal. But as far as strategy, they had very little.

Now they are seeing that their carefully laid plans are not playing out quite like they did in the neocons sick imaginations. Real life ain't no chessboard.

These guys are playing out their fate as just what we always knew Bush and his buddies were: rich kids who never had to work for anything, who are used to spending other people's money and never having to work for a living, always having someone to cover for them when they screwed up.

Now they've got the whole world as if it were the sports car their parents bought them for Christmas. And they are going to smash it up. But it will be okay, thinks little George, because mom and dad, or grandpa Prescott will buy me a new one. But when you are in the driver's seat of the sole superpower of the unipolar world, there ain't no parents big enough to bail you out.

And elsewhere on this desperate planet:

  • "Call Him President Backwards", by Dick Meyer.
  • More on Wolfy's traumatic experience when the hotel was bombed. Tampa Bay
  • White House changes Bush's story: Yes, they did make the "Mission Accomplished" banner. The Guardian
  • 911 defense failure rests with the commander in chief, Clark says. SFGate
  • Cheney and the hawks hijacking policy. Bush isn't in control. Big surprise. Sydney Morning Herald
  • Democrats on Intelligence Committee consider separate 911 probe. The Hill
  • Studs Terkel on Brass Check journalists In These Times
  • Very slow to wake up, the New York Times is now advocating "Facing the Truth of Sept. 11".

    October 25, 2003

    Bring 'em Down

  • The Republicans are always way ahead of the rest of us, at least when it comes to ingenious methods of corruption. According to blackboxvoting.org, "If you strip away the partisan rancor over the 2000 election, you are left with the undeniable fact that a presidential candidate conceded the election to his opponent based on a second card (card #3) that mysteriously appeared, subtracted 16,022 votes from Al Gore, and in some still undefined way, added 4,000 erroneous votes to George Bush, then, just as mysteriously, disappears. Black Box Voting reveals for the first time that it was the Volusia and Brevard County anomalies that caused TV networks to call the election for Bush. An internal document from CBS, combined with timelines and interviews from Agence France-Presse and internal Diebold memos show that: - A replacement set of votes was uploaded on the Diebold machines (then called Global Election Systems) in Volusia County about one hour after the original votes... - According to CBS, the erroneous 20,000 votes in Volusia was directly responsible for calling the election for Bush."
  • More on the Reagan TV series and some very indignant Republicans at The Guardian.
  • On "Special Report with Brit Hume," Byron York said the Bush-Nazi link is "the farthest fringes of the political debate." Here is my e-mail to Brit Hume at Fox News (Hume@foxnews.com): "Byron York is right, this whole thing about the Bush family being major financiers of the Nazi war machine is really the "farthest fringes of the political debate." And now the fringe has come to the mainstream because now this same Bush family is in control of the government."
  • Senator Byrd made the comparison of the Bush propaganda machine and that devised by Herman Goering, Nazi mastermind. See

    October 27-28

    What Democracy Looks Like

    When the Supreme Court handed down its Bush vs. Gore decision, democracy-loving people around the world were stunned. Many outside of the U.S. asked, "Are the people of the U.S. really going to allow their democracy to be undermined this way?" Americans were the the butt of snide remarks by many channels of international media, and for good reason. What happened was a disgrace to America and to democracy.

    Perhaps it would have been better if Americans had hit the streets right then in huge numbers and said in no uncertain terms: You are not going to take away our democracy. But the fact that it didn't happen does not necessarily mean that Americans are going to sit by forever while the Bush administration plunders the world by force, and destroys the country's democratic tradition.

    Most conscious, law-respecting Americans were very disturbed by the partisan, legally absurd decision handed down by the Supreme Court when the right wing decided to give the election to their friend and colleague George Bush even though the votes had not been thoroughly counted. But at the same time, law-abiding Americans were stumped as to what to do about it.

    How to deal with an illegal usurpation of power on the highest levels is a difficult question. With the corporate propaganda machine urging Americans to get over it and move on to the New World Order with George W. Bush, the unelected president, most Americans wanted to believe everything would work out okay, and then during the next election they would have a chance to put it right, to have a real election. With a more civilized administration, one that respected the democratic heritage of America, that hope may have justified itself. At that time George the King of Liars was saying he was going to "govern from the center" and telling other lies that are obvious in retrospect to the most casual observer who is not totally brainwashed.

    Of course he didn't govern from the center but from the same far right, radical power-hungry point of view from which he seized the office in the first place.

    Yes, it has been challenging, but now we see many kinds of actions taking place on many levels of society simultaneously. More and more well-known, respected people are coming out with statements against the Bushistas. John Mellencamp and Rickie Lee Jones are two of the people who have made their anti-Bush voices heard in recent days. Polls are revealing a larger percentage of the population that wants the thugs out. Activities are taking place on many levels. And this is what democracy really looks like. It's not just about voting every few years. It's about the majority of people doing whatever they can within their own individual realms of power to make their objections known and to try to correct the error.

    The outrage is appearing, manifesting. People are getting wise to the Bushes and to the media propaganda machine. People are rising up, making their voices heard. It's going to be very interesting. If the voting machine fraud is blown open so voting can't be easily fixed, Democrats may succeed in keeping George W. unelected.


  • Tens of thousands of prostesters in DC. OpEdNews.com
  • The first chapter of Michael Moore's book appears as an article in Rolling Stone.


    October 28, 2003

  • John Buchanan, author of the Prescott Bush-Nazi story says the Associated Press spun the story. Buchanan: "This is a vitally important story, as you will soon see, and it will not die and fade away because you and AP deign it so. I am aware by cc of some of the e-mails being sent to you in defense of me and the New Hampshire Gazette, as well as truth and accuracy in reporting. I am therefore challenging you and AP, in public view, to do one of two things, as I can see no other possibility now. 1) Either DISPROVE my reporting in the New Hampshire Gazette, by whatever credible means you can, or 2) CORRECT THE RECORD officially with regard to your inexplicably watered down and factually inaccurate story..." See disinfotainmenttoday.com.
  • Newsweek picked up on the story about the easily corruptible voting machines. What gives?
  • An AP story in the Mercury News (siliconvalley.com) tells how Diebold is suing to suppress the incriminating memos of theirs that are posted on the Web. People are not giving in to the coercion. People like Sacramento-based programmer Jim March
  • Throw the book at them! The White House spy leak may violate the Patriot Act. Newsday.

    October 29, 2003

    Defensive and Lame

    The administration is painfully defensive now about Iraq. Of course they should be. They should have been on the defensive when they first tried to push the insane policy. If our designated representatives were not for the most part too cowardly to challenge the war party, we might not be in this quagmire now with young Americans getting killed practically every day.

    Now Powell calls the attacks against the occupation of Iraq "brazen," a word that would well apply to practically everything the Bush administration has done since its ignoble beginning. Ironic. Here's Powell on NBC News the other day: "We did not expect it would be quite this intense this long. We are still in a conflict, and I don't think the president ever sought to minimize that." See the New York Times

    Powell lamely describes the administration's utter impotence to deal with the situation they created as though it had been foisted on them from nowhere: "We are in this insurgency sort of situation where people strike and run and it is a much more difficult security environment." Then, as if suddenly coming to his senses about how pathetic he sounded, he added, "I am confident in our ability to deal with it."

    Although "the situation is still dangerous," Powell said on CNN, "at the same time, there are very, very positive signs" that pacification is taking root, according to the Times. Pacification taking root? What a quaint metaphor. Taking root like an underground nuclear device.

    Bush's Lord Mayor Bremer raises the eloquence of fools to new levels. He says, "we are halfway" to the formation of an Iraqi government. Like the frog that jumps halfway to the wall with every jump, and never gets to the wall.

    "Most of the country is, in fact, orderly," Bremer said, which could have described D-Day, as well, on August 6, 1945 in Japan. If your head is immersed in molten steel and your feet are encased in a block of ice, your average temperature is perfect.

    Bremer concedes that, "Look, it can't be fun to be occupied." Whoops. Little slip there.

    Then an attempt at recovery: "But the fact is, life is much better for the Iraqis today than it was six months ago and much better than it was a year ago. And they know that."

    Yes, life in Iraq is divine. It's just these few Saddam loyalists who are causing trouble.

    As horrible as life is under the occupation, it may have been even worse under the brutal U.S. sanctions.

  • William Rivers Pitt describes the devastation of the series of attacks Iraq he calls The Ramadan Offensive.
  • The Times reported: "BAGHDAD, Iraq, Oct. 27 — Suicide bombers drove carloads of explosives into five buildings around the capital today, killing at least 34 people in a coordinated assault that spread mayhem across the city and appeared to open a new phase in the guerrilla war against the American occupation."
  • Former Jersey Republican governor Tom Kean, says the White House is withholding documents from the 911 commission, and he's ready to subpoena. See Reuters
  • Break the White House stonewall on 911! The Berkshire Eagle.

    October 30

    Subj: urls
    Date: 10/29/03 6:02:36 PM Eastern Standard Time
    From: davidcogs@aol.com
    File: wolfowitz.jpg (19586 bytes) DL Time (TCP/IP): 1 minute
    Sent from the Internet (Details)

  • Greenspan, the hack, gives himself credit for improving economic signs, warns of possible inflation, but shows little concern that the "recovery" is "jobless." By arcane economist formulas, the "recession" ended in Nov. 2001. More than one million workers have since lost their jobs. The U.S. unemployment rate is at a seven-year high of 6.1%.

    Photo New York Times

  • Wolfowitz, the dandy who plans war but never fought in one, strolled around Baghdad in a bullet proof vest and some really sweet white pants that billowed in the breeze. New York Times
  • A survey found that 40% of women with breast implants want them out. National Post
  • Radio Free Europe quotes Bush saying U.S. soldiers will not be intimidated. He blamed Saddam loyalists and "foreign terrorists," for the violence in Iraq, not, of course, the most violent and numerous foreign terrorists of all: Americans.
  • Black is white, up is down, and now in Bushland the Iraqi resistance against the American occupation is run by "foreigners." As usual the truth is the diametric opposite of what Bush says. Actually Americans are the foreigners. The ones who are resisting the occupation and avenging the murder of their kinsmen are Iraqis. Washington Post
  • Someone sent me a wonderful article from the New Republic by Jonathan Chait. I couldn't find the damn thing on the site, and most of the articles were only available to subscribers. But what I did see when I search for Chait and "Bush hatred" surprised me. An article by Chait in October 2002 said the "prospective war with Iraq is not only defensible, it's defensible on liberal grounds." (See The New Republic.) The perversity of that idea made me want to puke. But now Chait has written an article I can totally get down with. In an October 29 article, Chait writes: "I hate President George W. Bush. There, I said it. I think his policies rank him among the worst presidents in U.S. history. And, while I'm tempted to leave it at that, the truth is that I hate him for less substantive reasons, too. I hate the inequitable way he has come to his economic and political achievements and his utter lack of humility (disguised behind transparently false modesty) at having done so. His favorite answer to the question of nepotism--"I inherited half my father's friends and all his enemies"--conveys the laughable implication that his birth bestowed more disadvantage than advantage. He reminds me of a certain type I knew in high school--the kid who was given a fancy sports car for his sixteenth birthday and believed that he had somehow earned it. I hate the way he walks--shoulders flexed, elbows splayed out from his sides like a teenage boy feigning machismo. I hate the way he talks--blustery self-assurance masked by a pseudo-populist twang. I even hate the things that everybody seems to like about him. I hate his lame nickname-bestowing-- a way to establish one's social superiority beneath a veneer of chumminess (does anybody give their boss a nickname without his consent?). And, while most people who meet Bush claim to like him, I suspect that, if I got to know him personally, I would hate him even more."
  • Bush's statement that the latest attacks in Baghdad are a result of the progress of the occupation and the desperation of the insurgents, is delusional. Washington Post
  • Bush said it was the servicemen who put up the "Mission Accomplished" sign, not him. Arizona Central
  • According to Newsday, Bush "seemed to plead with Iraqis to support the U.S. effort in the face of the attacks. 'The people have got to understand, the Iraqi people have got to understand that any time you've got a group of killers willing to kill innocent Iraqis, that their future must not be determined by these kind of killers,' he said."
  • Up to 15,000 Iraqis were killed in the Iraq invasion to "liberate" Iraq. Guardian
  • US preaches free markets, doesn't practice it. Guardian

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